火曜日, 12月 06, 2005



少子・高齢社会 ― 子ども減、高齢者は増 ―

「高齢化」とは、総人口に占める六十五歳(さい)以上の高齢者の割合(高齢化率)が高まっていくことです。高齢者の割合は、日本では一九五〇年には総人口のたった5%でしたが、九四年には14 %を超え、現在は約二千二百八十七万人で18%です。
世界の高齢化率をみると、現在は7%ですが、二〇四〇年には14 %に達し、地球全体が高齢社会になると予測されています。


Decline Birth Rate & Aging Society - Less Children, More Elders -

News about “declining birth rates” and “aging society” are becoming seeable on the newspaper and television.
The population of the “aging society”, which is the rate of the senior citizens that’s older than 65 years-old or above, is increasing. In 1950, the senior citizens were only 5% of the Japanese population, but it was over 14% in 1994, and it is around 22,870,000 people, which is around 18%.
According to the United Nations, societies that has over 7% of senior citizens are called the “aging society,” and 14% over are called the “aged society.”
Looking at the aging rate in the world, it’s about 7% right now, but the prediction is that the whole world will become an aged society and the aging rate is predicted to be up to 14% by the year of 2040.
Although being able to live a long life is good, but it becomes a problem when the burden of younger generations to support the elders arises.
It’s the first time that the human race is facing the global aging problem, and the United Nations held an “Aging World Conference” in Spain in April.
It is said that Japan’s aging rate will increase up to 36% by 2050, which will become a “super aged society.”
“Declining birth rate” is something that the rate of women giving birth to children decreases, and the number of children decreases. Compare to the past, with the lowest record, born babies was only 1.17 million this past year. The birth rate in one’s life is only about 1.33 people for every woman; this is also the lowest record.
The declining birth rate will bring a super aged society in the long run, which will cause the population to decrease. The Japanese population will begin to decrease at the peak of year 06, and it is predicted that the population will be cut in half after one hundred years.